Carnelian Cross Pendant on Cord Necklace | Rare Earth Gallery

Introducing the stunning Carnelian Cross Pendant on a cord necklace - the perfect gift for any occasion. Made with highest quality materials for lifelong durability. Its tumbled finish adds a touch of elegance, making it versatile for every jewelry collection. The vibrant red-orange color makes it a great birthstone for July. Give something special and unique with this Carnelian Cross Pendant on a cord necklace.

  1. Rare Earth Gallery
  2. Designers
  3. Rare Earth Gallery
  4. Carnelian Cross Pendant on Cord Necklace

Carnelian Cross Pendant on Cord Necklace
Introducing the stunning Carnelian Cross Pendant on a cord necklace - the perfect gift for any occasion. Made with highest quality materials for lifelong durability. Its tumbled finish adds a touch of elegance, making it versatile for every jewelry collection. The vibrant red-orange color makes it a great birthstone for July. Give something special and unique with this Carnelian Cross Pendant on a cord necklace.
Product#: CrnNkCross-MZH
Carnelian Cross Pendant on Cord Necklace